
52張撲克牌 【人生牌陣總表】
梅花9 位於 (金星)橫列/(土星)縱行

出生日 若為 以下日期者
即 本命牌 為 梅花9 之人
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
01 月 31 日 →(水瓶座 守護星牌:梅花4
02 月 29 日 →(雙魚座 守護星牌:方塊2
03 月 27 日 →(牡羊座 守護星牌:紅心K
04 月 25 日 →(金牛座 守護星牌:紅心2
05 月 23 日 →(雙子座 守護星牌:黑桃9
06 月 21 日 →(雙子座 守護星牌:黑桃9
07 月 19 日 →(巨蟹座 守護星牌:紅心J
08 月 17 日 →(獅子座 守護星牌:梅花9
09 月 15 日 →(處女座 守護星牌:黑桃9
10 月 13 日 →(天秤座 守護星牌:紅心2
11 月 11 日 →(天蠍座 守護星牌:紅心K黑桃J
12 月 09 日 →(射手座 守護星牌:方塊K

♣9:The Universal Knowledge Card

【 Description of the ♣9 Person 】
【 梅花9的人格特質 】

This is a card of expanded consciousness.

Those who have this Birth Card experience revelations about life and the truth behind what is going on here on Earth that few other cards do.

These revelations come from time to time when the ♣9 person releases his or her attachment to some of their preconceived ideas and notions.

It is also a card of negative thinking and any individual of this Birth Card must let go of many negative mental patterns accumulated from past lives if they are to access the in herent power in this card.

There are many who succeed in letting go and many who reach the very heights of recognition through their work of giving knowledge to the world.

This is also a card of sexual enjoyment.

The ♥Q Karma Card and ♥2 in Venus creates a highly sensuous side with strong romantic drives.

If their sensuous side is allowed to dominate, much time and energy is wasted that could otherwise elevate them to great accomplishment.

The ♣9 is here to end a major cycle in their soul’s development, a completion that should see them giving their wealth of knowledge to the world.

There are some debts to be paid, especially to those of the ♥Q card and to their own families, but once these debts are paid, they can proceed with their cosmic task of enlightening the world.

Financially, they do well in their own business if they don’t let the pursuit of money spoil their spiritual values.

They are often assisted in their business and financial goals by successful Diamond-suided businesspeople.

Some of their life challenge revolve around honesty and integrity.

They are often involved with others who are not so high in these areas, which can pull them down.

They are here to learn to focus their mental power and stick to a philosophy that will guide them through the ups and downs of life.

【 Some of the ♣9 Issues Concerning Relationships 】
【 梅花9的親密關係課題 】

The ♣9 is a loving and highly sexed individual.

They actually love romance more than marriage.

The ♥2 in Venus tell us that it is the love affair that they are most attracted to.

Marriage is seen as more of a responsibility and duty than a goal pursued for its inherent pleasure.

This may explain why so many of them have extramarital affairs or choose to just be single so that they may pursue their love interests freely.

They are also very devoted to their children.

They are destined to have one or more very challenging relationships in their life as they grow and learn about the responsibilities involved in a true partnership.

It is also likely that they will experience one major love separation or divorce that will alter their life course.

♣9 women have a particular karma that usually results in a husband of the Diamond suit who often provides them lots of money.

Their ♦K in Jupiter is the symbol for this man that most of them marry at some point in their life.

The ♦6 Birth Card in particular is one that many ♣9, both male and female, are destined to be with.

The ♣9 has high love ideals and can be romantic to the extreme.

Often, this fragile dream of love and their misplaced hopes and dreams come crashing against the rocks of reality, and they suffer as a result.

【 Profile : The Sexy Nine of Clubs】
【 梅花9之人格側寫 – 性感】

A quick look down the list of ♣9 celebrities reveals that many of out sexiest actors and actresses possess this Birth Card.

Demi Moore, Al Pacino, and others have this unique card.

Nothing about the ♣9 card itself reveals this secret about them, but the cards in their Life Path and their Karma Cards do.

The foremost indicators of this is the ♥2 in Venus.

First of all, we need to understand how significant the ♥2 card itself is.

It is the Venus/Neptune card in the Life Spread, which is extremly significant.

Venus, representing love, marriage, and sensual pleasures, finds its highest expression in the sign of Pisces, where it is considered to be “exalted" astrologically.

This tells us that the highest expression of love is the Piscean love, which is selfless and universal.

The ♥2, being the Neptune/Venus card, inherently has this selfless and timeless love quality.

It is the most romantic card in the deck, representing the eternal lovers and the archetypes of them.

When we think of great love affairs such as Romeo and Juliet we can see them symbolized in the ♥2, the card of the lovers.

This relationship has nothing to do with marriage and it is important to see this distinction.

The marriage cards are typically the ♥4 and ♥Q.

The ♣9 person has the unique quality of being the only card in the deck who has the ♥2 in Venus.

This puts the most romantic card in the position of love and romance, a powerful combination.

The second element in the ♣9 makeup is the ♥Q first Karma Card.

The ♥Q, besides representing marriage, is the card of sexual enjoyment and sensual pleasures.

As the first Karma Card, we know that ♣9 people have challenges in this area.

Many of them have a highly sensual side they might have difficulty controlling.

This can also make them a bit lazy at times, as the ♥Q can mean overindulgence in sensual pleasures and an easy-going nature that dominates the personality.

When we combine these two powerful influences together, the results is often a highly sensual individual with a strong propensity for romance and sexual involvements.
[ 註:兩個強大的影響 係指 (紅心2)在梅花9的(金星)行星牌位置 與 (紅心Q)為梅花9的業力牌 ]

They tend to see relationships as vehicle for the fulfillment of these drives more then anything else.

And most people who have either dated or married mon of these cards will tell you that they are unusully gifted as lovers.


梅花9 的 第一張 業力牌:紅心Q ( 亦即 梅花9 欠 紅心Q )
梅花9 的 第二張 業力牌:方塊6 ( 亦即 方塊6 欠 梅花9 )


以上文字參考自 撲克命牌 我的愛情 該書




水星牌:00 ~ 12 歲
金星牌:13 ~ 25 歲
火星牌:26 ~ 38 歲
木星牌:39 ~ 51 歲
土星牌:52 ~ 64 歲

天王星牌:65 ~ 77 歲
海王星牌:78 ~ 90 歲


梅花9 的 人生牌陣軌跡 牌組



