
52張撲克牌 【人生牌陣總表】
梅花10 位於 (皇冠)橫列/(火星)縱行

出生日 若為 以下日期者
即 本命牌 為 梅花10 之人
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
01 月 30 日 →(水瓶座 守護星牌:黑桃10
02 月 28 日 →(雙魚座 守護星牌:梅花5
03 月 26 日 →(牡羊座 守護星牌:紅心3
04 月 24 日 →(金牛座 守護星牌:黑桃K
05 月 22 日 →(金牛座 守護星牌:黑桃K)或(雙子座 守護星牌:方塊8
06 月 20 日 →(雙子座 守護星牌:方塊8
07 月 18 日 →(巨蟹座 守護星牌:紅心Q
08 月 16 日 →(獅子座 守護星牌:梅花10
09 月 14 日 →(處女座 守護星牌:方塊8
10 月 12 日 →(天秤座 守護星牌:黑桃K
11 月 10 日 →(天蠍座 守護星牌:紅心3方塊3
12 月 08 日 →(射手座 守護星牌:梅花A

♣10:Mental Accomplishment

【 Description of the ♣10 Person 】
【 梅花10的人格特質 】

The ♣10 is a very independent person.

Regardless of sex, they will act as though they are a King or a Queen.

The females have masculine minds and natures, and all want complete and unrestrained freedom to do what they choose, when they choose it.

The ♣10 have come full circle in their quest for knowledge.

They have a powerful mind and a consuming desire for more knowledge that makes them progressive and usually very successful.

In this life, they must learn to regain the control over their mind, which has developed somewhat of a life of its own.

Many ♣10 complain of having trouble sleeping because of the endless chatter of their marvelous mental equipment.

The best path back to self-mastery is to direct the mind into right motives, higher principles, and hard work.

They need to work hard and keep busy to be happy.

The ♥3 in Mars makes for emotional restlessness and undecidedness about their choice of occupation, whith can be a straing on relationships and hold them back from achieving their highest ambitions.

The ♦3 challenge card also bears this out and tells us that they will be doing much experimenting as they work to find out what really satisfies them.

The ♠J Karma Card can be a blessing or a curse, depending upon how it is manifested by the ♣10 person.

It is the card of the “Actor," but also of the “Thief" and the “Spiritual Initiate."

The potential is there for great success in the arts, involvement with spiritual subjects and study, but also for using their gifts in a less than honest way.

The strong desire for spiritual wisdom and study of spiritual philosophies will bring contact with many uplifting groups and will increase their enjoyment of life.

Their greatest fulfillment will come through work that allows them some freedom and expression of their creativity.

Their greatest challenge lies in making up their mind about which way to go or what it is that will truly satisfy them.

【 Some of the ♣10 Issues Concerning Relationships 】
【 梅花10的親密關係課題 】

Being so independent, powerful, and creative, the ♣10 usually has some difficulty in establishing a long-term relationship.

Look at Madonna, Barbra Streisand, and Shirley MacLaine as perfect examples of this.

The ones who realize the success potential of their card may just be better off being single and admitting that right up front.

However, there is an undeniable thirst for love, and love has its own truth with which they must contend.

Love always wants more of itself, and it wants more intimacy, which brings greater pleasure and feelings of union.

For most people, this requires making a commitment, and this is where the ♣10 has the challenge.

It is either them or their partner who cannot make a choice to have just one person.

♣10, regardless of their sex, have such strong career and work drive that few if any would sacrifice this for the sake of a personal relationship.

The ones that do find satistaction in marriage manage to maintain their careers while their husbands or wives take care of the domestic responsibilities.

The female ♣10, because the ♣Q in their Saturn position of their Life Path, have some emotional issues that make it difficult to achieve any depth of intimacy with their partners.

That, combined with their highly independent and willful natures often precludes marriage and long-term relationships.

Usually the ♣10 has a short attention span when it comes to personal relationships.

The Threes in Mars and Pluto make them variety-prone and likely to change frequently.
[ 註:(紅心3)在梅花10的(火星)行星牌位置,(方塊3)在梅花10的(冥王星)行星牌位置 ]

They have the desire to experience many different relationships or multiple relationships at the same time.

It is important to realize that the ♣10 can have whatever they want in personal relationships.

The ♠K in their Venus position tells us that they, more than any other card in the deck, can become the master of their emotions and basically choose whatever they want in romance and marriage.

It is mostly a matter of interest personal commitment that separates those who have successful marriages from those who don’t.

For the most part, the world is theirs for the taking.

【 Profile : The Ten of Clubs’s Quest for the Right Occupation 】
【 梅花10之人格側寫 – 追求適合的職業 】

Most ♣10 people are somewhat restless in both their love life and their career ambitions.

Remember that Tens are much like Aces, the Ace is a one and the Ten is a One with a Zero.
[ 註:10 → 1+0 → 1 → A ]

But the ♣10 has some additional factors that make them even more restless, such as the ♥3 in Mars and the ♦3 Pluto Card.

Not only that, but their card sits in the Crown Line of the Grand Solar Spread alongside the ♦8 and ♠K.

All the cards there are very independent by nature, but the ♣10 is the most restless of them all.

The Threes in their Life Spreads make them inquisitive.

They want to try out different sorts of things.

This same Three energy can bring great indecision over their choice of occupation and romantic partners.

Florence Campbell, coauthor of Sacred Symbols of the Ancients, says that more than any other card in the deck, the ♣10 has a need to establish what is their choice of occupation if they are ever to know any success or satisfaction in their lives.

Being such an independent and powerful person can actually be a handicap in this area.

It is kind of like being a kid in a candy store.

There are so many options that it becomes overwhelming.

There are many successful ♣10 people in the world, and among them we find one common thread ― they all know what their life’s work is and are committed to doing it.

Of all the cards in the deck, the ♣10 has some of the greatest potential for success.

Barbra Streisand, Diana Ross, Madonna, Kim Basinger, Luciano Pavarotti, and Shirley MacLaine are all ♣10, just to mention a few.

All it takes is a commitment to one path for this success to materialize.

I have been asked many times by ♣10 people the same question: “What sort of work should I do?"
本書原著作者 曾被梅花10的人多次問到同一個問題:『我應該從事哪一類型的工作呢?』

Soo many of them have this eternal question that seems to plague them and is the one insurmountable block that keeps them from the success that they know is their birthright.

It almost appears that there are two kinds of ♣10 people ― the successful ones who have made a commitment to some direction in their work and the unsuccessful ones who haven’t.

The solution for the ones who are still asking the eternal question is to just get started doing something and make a success of it.

The question of what should we do in our work can often become an excuse to not do anything.

If the ♣10 just gets started being a success at what they are already doing, chances are that it will lead them to the realization of what sort of work would be most fulfilling for them.

Usually this work will involve a lot of creative expression and the dissmination of knowledge to others.

It also usually involves them becoming a leader in some way, because these are the natural traits of the ♣10.

This is one of the most creative cards in the deck.

Creative people need outlets for personal expression as well as some variety.

They detest monotony and boredom.

An occupation that has many dimentions to it and allows for a lot of creativity or expression is the one best suited to ♣10.

They also have a thirst for knowledge that often leads them to a love for books.


梅花10 的 第一張 業力牌:黑桃J ( 亦即 梅花10 欠 黑桃J )
梅花10 的 第二張 業力牌:黑桃4 ( 亦即 黑桃4 欠 梅花10 )


以上文字參考自 撲克命牌 我的愛情 該書




水星牌:00 ~ 12 歲
金星牌:13 ~ 25 歲
火星牌:26 ~ 38 歲
木星牌:39 ~ 51 歲
土星牌:52 ~ 64 歲

天王星牌:65 ~ 77 歲
海王星牌:78 ~ 90 歲


梅花10 的 人生牌陣軌跡 牌組



