
52張撲克牌 【人生牌陣總表】
方塊5 位於 (土星)橫列/(海王星)縱行

出生日 若為 以下日期者
即 本命牌 為 方塊5 之人
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
01 月 22 日 →(水瓶座 守護星牌:梅花K
02 月 20 日 →(水瓶座 守護星牌:梅花K)或(雙魚座 守護星牌:方塊J
03 月 18 日 →(雙魚座 守護星牌:方塊J
04 月 16 日 →(牡羊座 守護星牌:方塊9
05 月 14 日 →(金牛座 守護星牌:梅花J
06 月 12 日 →(雙子座 守護星牌:黑桃Q
07 月 10 日 →(巨蟹座 守護星牌:梅花7
08 月 08 日 →(獅子座 守護星牌:方塊5
09 月 06 日 →(處女座 守護星牌:黑桃Q
10 月 04 日 →(天秤座 守護星牌:梅花J
11 月 02 日 →(天蠍座 守護星牌:方塊9紅心4

♦5:The Seeker of Worth

【 Description of the ♦5 Person 】
【 方塊5的人格特質 】

This card has its share of challenges and its share of gifts.

Like all Fives, ♦5 dislike routine and abhor anything that pretends to limit freedom or put them in a box.

They can be perpetual wanderers, never settling down for anything long enough to make it pay off.

But others find value in a relationship or job and stay with it, creating some security in an otherwise insecure life.

The main areas of restlessness include work and relationships.

All ♦5 have an inner sense of dissatisfaction, but they also want to accomplish something of value and gain stability in their lives.

These two ideals often conflict and it is a trick for them to find a career that gives them both.

For many, sales is the work of choice.

They can relate to people on all levels and this gives them great success in this area.

There are likely to be financial losses in their life and situations where their kindhearted nature costs them a great deal.

Being closely associated with the ♦9 card makes them very giving people and tells us that there are outstanding debts to be paid in this life from the past.

These people are givers who love to share their resources with their family and close friends, though at times they seem to be taken advantage of by others and may resent it.

For them, giving is both a gift and a lesson.

They are inherently spiritual, being situated in the Neptune column, and know what is of true value.

Their knowledge extends to the psychic realms ― many ♦5 have great ability in this area.
他們的知識延伸到通靈的界域 ― 許多方塊5在這方面能力非凡。

The challenge comes in practicing what they know.

They come into this life with a certain amount of karma which often takes considerable hard work to discharge.

If they are lazy, there will be many problems.

They must practice what they know and do what it takes to get the job done without shirking responsibility.

Such a strong Neptune influence creates a desire to help others as part of their life’s work.

If they align themselves with a higher purpose or ideal, they can become the creators of their destiny and have much more success and fulfillment.

The first 45 years of life are the most challenging.

Their life improves considerably as they get older.

They often come to a crossroads at mid-life when they must face their fears once and for all.

This is the time that many of them get interested in self-help subjects or spirituality.

A transformation occurs and their life begins anew in many respects.

Many become an authority in some area, either as an author or teacher, and are looked up to for leadership and guidance.

【 Some of the ♦5 Issues Concerning Relationships 】
【 方塊5的親密關係課題 】

♦5 are restless and changeable romantically.

They are often averse to commitment.

For these reasons, many of them have diffuculty making a relation ship work for an extended period of time.

They are very romantic and many have a lot of of charm and sexual prowess, as symbolized by their ♣J in Venus, which has another Jack, the ♦J, as its Karma Card.

For this reason, they are considered to be some of the best lovers.

They are attracted to those of wit and creativity, and they themselves can be quite charming, but also calculating and crafty, when it comes to love.

In many cases, love is a mental game to them and many of them lose sight of their feelings as they get wrapped up in their analysis of all the concepts of love.

They can be very sneaky and dishonest in this area if they so choose.

At the same time, contact with books and other educational material about love and relationships always has a tremendous impact on them and brings them up to a higher level and more happiness.

The whole concept of marriage and the yearning for intimacy that love requires is a major challenge for them, one that they are sure to deal with often during the course of their life.

Being a Five, they often will not want to return to the confinement of the “box" that marriage can represent.

They want to explore and undertake new adventures.

【 Profile : Freedom Versus Secutity & Accomplishment 】
【 方塊5之人格側寫 – 要自由,還是要安穩? 】

My best friend Mark is a classic ♦5 who demonstrates how many Fives have an inner conflict between their freedom and their desire to achieve security and make a mark for themselves in the world.
本書原著作者 最要好的朋友馬克是典型的方塊5,他示範了許多數字5內心存在的衝突,想要個人自由?還是渴望贏得安全保障並為自己在人世間留下印記?

Mark and I grew up together and have shared many wonderful adventures.

When we were 18, we just took off and went traveling across the U.S.

This is the kind of relationship that we have always enjoyed.

I could just call him and say, “Mark, let’s take off and go across the country," and he would usually be ready to go.

This is a classic ♦5 trait.

If you suggest a trip for any reason, they are usually inclined to drop everything and go with you.

When I was around age 36 or so, my life began to settle into one line of work and my life had more of a plan to it.

I became less changeable and, in the process, became more successful, while Mark still traveled and moved fairly frequently.

After a while my success became a reminder to Mark of how he had not accomplished anything substantial with his ♦5 lifestyle of change and adventure.

This caused some tension between us as I began to personify the part of Mark that wanted success but which conflicted with his freedom-loving part.

This is not to say that all ♦5 have such a strong struggle, but it is a common trait.

The question for any Five is: Should I spend my entire life persuing new adventures and exploring new and uncharted realm, or should I establish some security and foundation from which I can launch my adventures?
不管是哪一個數字5,問題都是:我應該窮盡一生追求新的冒險並探索新的未知領域嗎? 還是應該先建立一些可以作為未來展開冒險的保障和基礎?

It is interesting that most people equate money with freedom.

They tell you that money does not buy happiness, but it does give you the freedom to do what you want, when you want, and opens many doors of possibility that were once closed.

If this is true, then it is sort of a cosmic joke that the ♦5 person who wants freedom so much will have to settle down for a while and focus themselves on one occupation long enough to make the money that will allow them to have more adventures.

Perhaps this is the lesson for the ♦5: I can earn even more freedom and have even more and better adventures if I set aside some time in my life to create the financial prosperity that will give me this freedom.

But for many ♦5, this is one of the most difficult things to do.

This is why many of them gravitate toward work as salespeople.

Many sales jobs allow the individual freedom to travel as part of their work.

This often kills two birds with one stone by allowing the ♦5 to create some financial independence and not feeling caged in while doing it.

It is these sorts of success formulas that separate the happy ♦5 from the others.


方塊5 的 第一張 業力牌:方塊9 ( 亦即 方塊5 欠 方塊9 )
方塊5 的 第二張 業力牌:梅花3 ( 亦即 梅花3 欠 方塊5 )


以上文字參考自 撲克命牌 我的愛情 該書




水星牌:00 ~ 12 歲
金星牌:13 ~ 25 歲
火星牌:26 ~ 38 歲
木星牌:39 ~ 51 歲
土星牌:52 ~ 64 歲

天王星牌:65 ~ 77 歲
海王星牌:78 ~ 90 歲


方塊5 的 人生牌陣軌跡 牌組



